Julie Alden Cullinane is a poet and writer from outside of Boston, MA. She has been a writer as long as she can remember. She wrote her first fantasy novel in a 5 subject notebook in jr high and published her first poem in The Boston Globe in grade 6. She went on to graduate from Boston College with a Bachelor's in English and from Bridgewater State University with a Master's in English. She currently works in academia.
Her artwork, poetry, and short stories have been published in Stylus, Plexus, The Boston Globe, The Graduate Review Volumes VI & VII, Chapter House, OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters, and Red Wolf Periodical. She has forthcoming short stories and poetry being published in 2023 by independent lit mags.
She is a wife and mother to two teenage boys. She loves hanging out with her family and beloved dog on a lazy Sunday more than anything else. Her ideal life would be to move to the woods where no one can find her and write all day.